Entrypoint Academia

As Entrypoint Academia is currently work in progress, I can only tell you how the study plan will be conceptulized in the future and how to work with what is available now.

So in the future, I will be releasing the following materials for each Segment:

  1. Main Segmenet video
    • 30s version
    • 5min version
    • 20min version
  2. Live stream about given Segment
    • 1h – 2h
  3. Workbook in PDF for a given Segment
    • Tips and techniques how to practice the Segment in your life

This should lead into each Segment having about two hours of spoken video content and a practical workbook how to apply the 2 hour theory into your life.

This then should lead into the creation of a book Entrypoint that I would like to publish sometime in the future.

Current state

Currently, you can view the 30-5-20 video on Segment 1 – Psychology on YouTube.

And you can also view the live session on Psychology here:

The next steps coming up are creating the Workbook for Segment 01 – Psychology and publishing 5-30-20 video for Segment 02 – Health.